Week 9: Pentagon and Final Presentations

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Sunday, July 27, 2014


Kearns Louis-Jean

This week was just about all dedicated to preparing for the final presentations for the intern symposium. Monday morning all of the interns went on a tour of the Pentagon. I thought it was really interesting. We had a great tour guide who was very enthusiastic and informative. After the pentagon tour my fellow interns went on a capitol tour and I went back to NIST to help wrap everything up for the summer institute. Tuesday I went back to NIST to help assist with the teachers who were participants in the Albert Einstein Distinguished fellowship program who were visiting for the day. They visited NIST’s stone test wall which is a wall in a secluded area of NIST where testing is done on to see how different types of stone hold up over time. There are over 2200 different types of stone in the wall. That afternoon the Einstein fellows did a measurement activity. It was very interesting to hear the various paths they had taken in life that got them where they are today.

Wednesday was my first day back at the American Center for Physics to collaborate with Mark so we could put our final presentation together. Thursday was our practice rehearsal. All the interns working at the American Center for Physics presented along with both of our NASA interns and one NIST intern. The practice presentations were very helpful and everybody received a lot of constructive criticism, which helped us make final adjustments to our presentations. The two policy interns and the other NIST intern couldn’t make it to the practice presentations due to work scheduling so there was a second practice held for them at the dormitory when we are being housed. The practices must have went really well because the final presentations on Friday were amazing.

Kearns Louis-Jean