Week 4: Back to School

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Sunday, June 22, 2014


Kearns Louis-Jean

This week we had a few more networking opportunities in house where we connected with people we hadn't met already. It is always good to meet new people and pick their brains about the work they do and what led them down that path. Every person you meet in life has their own unique story and you learn something different from every person you meet. Whether it is good or bad it will ultimately help you become a better person as you progress in life.

The best part of my week was by far Thursday. Jake, Mark, and I led an outreach event at Tuckahoe Elementary. We went to a third grade classroom and led various physics activities. A few of the demos were from last year's SOCK and a few were from this year's SOCK. Outreach at Tuckahoe ElementaryIt was a mini test run for the new demos to see if they would be successful if put in this year's sock. Personally I think it went really well. Even though there was a fire drill during one of our demos it still went smoothly. The kids were a lot of fun and very advanced for their ages.

I ended my week by watching my first ever PhD thesis defense. Ironically it turned out to be from one of the former SPS SOCK interns. It was very inspiring to see the progression of a former intern. I can't wait to see what next week has in store for me.

Kearns Louis-Jean