Week 7: Library of Congress, the Wharf & Ice-cream

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Saturday, July 15, 2023


Melissa Cano


This week I got to visit the very iconic, Library of Congress. Inside it exists the Thomas Jeffersons Library, a wide personal collection of books ranging from topics such as art, medicine, physics, astronomy, philosophy etc. The library is filled with quotes and mosaic art portraying all of the knowledge known to human kind. My favorite quote among the library was one that read, " Give instruction unto those who cannot procure it for themselves" - Confucius. I really like it because I believe it depicts exactly what being a teacher intails, selfless act of educating everyone, especially the less fortunate. After the library I took a stroll towards the Capitol and I noticed the Supreme Court was not barricated since there were no protesters this time, and I took a closer look at the doors. The doors are huge with broze detail art on them was really neat and unique. That night I went to georgetown and enyoed a blackberry ice-cream since it was hot and the day called for something refreshing with good company. Later that week I visisted an event that occurs weekly called, "Rock the Dock". Its a raggae band by the Wharf where they perfom song covers, nnext to the dock,  I went with Janessa, Julia and Eva. We enjoyed some spiked lemonades as we saw the sun set with good music, beautiful sights and good vibes. I have been preparing for my AAPT meeting in Sacramento, California where I will host a one-hour long workshop with teachers from all over the nation. I am both nervous and excited, usually when I go to conferences I present research, so this is something new but I welcome all of the new experiences life has to offer. As the weeks go by I still haven't found where the time goes. I have a theory days in D.C. go by too fast, literally at the blink of an eye. See you next week!

Melissa Cano