Week 5: Cramped Cars & Millennial Trivia Nights

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Sunday, June 30, 2024


Kaden Gammon

I know that I did a LOT this past week and made some great memories, but I honestly can’t even remember everything I did. I’m going to do my best to recall everything, but I’m pretty certain I’ve forgotten some highlights of the week. To start, we kicked off the week with some spike ball on the National Mall. I’d like to say that Jaden and Johnny might like to brag about their nearly perfect win streak, but I’ve got them beat with my perfect lost streak. I may be really bad at spike ball or maybe I just don’t want to give people the advantage of knowing how good I really am. Moving on past my spike ball skills, a group of us went to Arlington to take our chances at a trivia night. Unfortunately, none of us knew it was Shrek themed and were told there were free chips and salsa. The chips and salsa were not free, a fact I learned after ordering them and despite just watching Shrek 1 and 2 as a group recently, we did not win trivia night. However, it’s always a good time getting to hang with the other interns, so it was a great night regardless.


Here's where my memory goes out, I’m not sure if I did or didn’t do anything Wednesday and Thursday nights. I’m thinking I may have just taken some time to relax and stayed in, other than going on a 3-mile run one night. I’m finding that D.C. is one of the best places to run through because it’s hard to feel like giving up on the run when you have a giant statue of Lincoln staring down at you. I at least remember that Friday night was spent watching Ratatouille at the Kennedy Center. Turns out they do free movie showings on the lawn there, so we crammed into the tight space and enjoyed a slightly obstructed view of the movie.


The weekend was very memorable, especially with starting Saturday morning off running with Charles and Charlotte to Theodore Roosevelt Island. Once rested from the run, we went to the Natural History Smithsonian Museum and then the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. Sunday was spent at Cunningham State Park, which had a nice waterfall and lake. The ride there was super cramped though, and I had to switch between sitting on Charle’s and Jaden’s laps for the drive. It was worth the discomfort though and made for a great weekend to mark the halfway point in this internship.


Kaden Gammon