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Colin Myers
Millersville University
NIST Research Intern
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Final presentation
Colin Myers - Final Presentation.pdf
Diamond has several electrical properties of interest to scientists. Classified as a wide band-gap semiconductor, its high breakdown voltage, thermal conductivity, and resistance to radiation damage makes diamond ideal for electronic devices subjected to harsh conditions and large power intakes. Over the past 20 years, scientists have experimented on reducing diamond’s natural resistivity to levels more consistent with contemporary semiconductor materials. Varied methods of surface termination and substitutional doping have been explored to accomplish this. I examined a method of thermal hydrogenation using forming gas, followed by atmospheric exposure. Results of this relatively simple and inexpensive method have been promising and hold industrial potential.
My name is Colin Myers and I am a Junior at Millersville University (PA) pursuing a B.S. in Physics and a B.S. in Mathematics. I plan on applying to a PhD program in condensed matter physics. I have had a strong interest in physics since high school which has only grown since my enrollment in college. I quickly discovered how challenging this field is, but also how incredibly rewarding it can be. My research interests include solid state physics, electronics, thermal physics, and quantum theory.
The SPS has had a major impact on my college career. SPS has been crucial towards connecting my peers and I with other physics students as well as outreach opportunities. The collaboration the organization inspires is an incredible asset to the physics community. Additional thanks to the physics and math faculty of Millersville for preparing me for this experience.
Outside of physics, I am an avid musician. I am passionate about music, movies, and many other forms of art! And more than anything, I am excited and grateful for the opportunity to intern at the National Institute of Standards and Technology!