Weber State University
SPS SOCK (Science Outreach Catalyst Kit) Intern
Society of Physics Students
Amanda Williams SPS presentation.pdf
Undergraduate students are in a unique position to foster curiosity and passion for the physical sciences within the next generation through public outreach. SPS provides free resources to undergraduate students and chapters through comprehensive outreach demonstrations and outreach kits. This summer new outreach demonstrations have been developed and added to the SPS website. Each demonstration provides students with set up procedures, key concepts, and in-depth physics explanation to multiple audience levels. Additionally, the annual Science Outreach Catalyst Kit (SOCK) has been created – with 100 SOCKs packed and ready to ship. This year’s SOCK seeks to build the skills of undergraduates by visualizing resonance and exploring acoustics through the use of Chladni plates.
I am a graduating student at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah with a bachelor’s degree in Physics. I’ve spent most of my undergraduate research time characterizing instrumentation for a new research observatory at my university, along with an internship studying Earth’s dynamo effect on the upper ionosphere at UC Berkeley’s Space Science Lab.
The past few years I’ve stumbled upon an enthusiasm for education outreach. Being a first-generation college student, I enjoy connecting with other first-generation students with math and science outreach. I also work at a planetarium, which, on top just being fun, has helped me learn the art of sharing how we humans can understand our universe. If not doing any of this stuff, you can normally find me outside running, hiking, or biking. In the future, I am looking to continue doing science outreach, and to pursue a graduate degree in astrophysics.