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Francisco Ayala Rodriguez
University of Texas-El Paso
APS Public Outreach Intern
American Physical Society
Position details
Bringing Physics to the Public
The American Physical Society's public outreach team, which runs the website PhysicsCentral, aims to communicate the importance and excitement of physics to the public.
Francisco is developing and implementing a new informational education effort alongside the APS public outreach team. Francisco tasked with thinking beyond "regular" demo shows and classroom activities in order to design a fun and unique outreach project that effectively communicates physics concepts to the general public.
Final presentation
Quizics: A Dynamic Technique for Physics Outreach.
Quizics is a trivia card game that combines historical and interesting facts of physics into a fun experience. Inspired by the increasing culture surrounding board games, this game appeals to young and old physics enthusiasts looking for an entertaining and fulfilling social activity. The simple gameplay and accessibility allows anyone to play the game, turning it into a great outreach tool. Using a clue system, this game introduces a new perspective on the way physicists, devices, places, and physical laws relate to our daily life. From Emmy Noether to the Large Hadron Collider, Quizics tells the history of how physics became the huge field of science that we know today.
I am a junior at The University of Texas At El Paso seeking a Bachelor Degree on Physics. I am an international student born and raised in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua in México. During my junior year at high school in Juarez, I found myself taking an incredible physics course and lab session which lead physics to become my passion. Since then, I have never stopped practicing it as I got more involved with academic events such as competitions and homemade experiments. Besides physics, thinking about how ideas and motivation spread among the community fascinates me. I have been involved in outreach since my second semester in college. During these years, I participated in many physics demonstrations and delivered several pep talks to the fellow freshman students. From these 2 and a half years, I noticed that there is a natural fascination for physics hidden in everyone. I would like to push that fascination forward to enhance consciousness on the importance of physics and embrace young and mature students to make physics part of their lives.
I am always open to new adventures or to new activities in my life. During my free time, I enjoy dancing, roller skating, attending to musical events, traveling, cooking, and playing videogames.