Zone 14, 15, 16 Joint Meeting

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SPS Zone Meeting

Event date: 
Saturday, October 31, 2020

Event sponsor

Society of Physics Students

Event location


Event description

Host: University of New Mexico


The upcoming zone meeting for zones 14-16 will be on Halloween (Oct 31, 2020) which is almost here. The meeting will take place on Zoom and will begin at 5 PM (MDT) with an introduction from our ZCs and/or AZCs. Shortly after, we'll give a breakdown of what we'll be doing throughout the meeting and give instructions for some of the activities. Everyone will then be broken up into breakout rooms for an ice breaker, then come back to enjoy a talk from a featured speaker. After that talk, we'll take a break with a Fermi problem before getting into the quick student presentations (more details about their structure on the registration form). Next, we’ll unwind with a 10-minute break and come back to discuss what our chapters have been doing to maintain a community during this online semester. Finally, we'll finish up with a physics-themed costume contest and a game night on Jackbox Party Pack 7. I hope some of you can dress up for this contest if it's not too late. This should wrap things up at about 9 PM (MDT).


I've created a registration form so that we can gauge how many attendees and presenters we'll have from each chapter. This form will also ask you to provide us with an email address so that we can send you the more finalized schedule next week along with the Zoom link to enter the meeting. If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to reach out to me or you can leave them in the last section of the registration form. I look forward to seeing you all soon! 


Link to registration form:


Have a great weekend,

Cameron Lamar

UNMSPS President

Event contact:

For additional information contact your zone representatives. 

Cameron Lamar, UNM SPS President
clamar [at]